Economics materials & Workbooks:
“Choice: Economics Materials for Success” ( – Launched: Jan. 2023 (free resource)
Worksheets with questions based on current news articles and real-world examples of economic concepts appropriate for Principles of Economics courses.
In collaboration with the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) since August 2023
Workbook – May/June 2023: Amazon Kindle format and Paperback format (ISBN: 9798396623200)
Workbook – May 2024: Amazon Kindle format and Paperback format (ISBN: 9798325119071)
“Principles of Microeconomics: From Theory to Practice and Applications.” (2024). Palgrave Macmillan, an Imprint of Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-3-031-67232-3,
(Note: Previous version “Microeconomics: The Science of Choice” published by Great River Learning)
Academic articles:
Using engaging activities to enhance student mental wellness in introductory economics classes. (2024). Int. J. of Pluralism and Economics Education. (With Mateer, D., Cabell’s: 20%)
Three Business World Lessons for introductory Economics. (2024). Journal of Economics Teaching. Retrieve from here. (With Mateer, D., Cabell’s: 35%, Journal recommended by the American Economic Association as one of the specialized field journals - see here)
Utilizing video game clips to teach Principles of Economics. (2024). The Social Studies. Doi: 10.1080/00377996.2024.2394944. Retrieve from here or here. (With Neves, M.; Cabell’s: 40%)
True applications of Economics from the business world. (2024). Journal of the Academy of Business Education. Retrieve from here. (With Bess, J., & Luce, P., Cabell’s: 32%)
“Choice: Economics materials for success” on Substack. (2024). The Journal of Economic Education. (2024 ABDC – B, 2024 Cabell’s acceptance rate: 23%)
Utilizing Bob’s Burgers to illustrate economic concepts in introductory Economics classes. (2024). Journal of Economics Teaching. Retrieve from here. (Cabell’s: 35%)
Effects of the 2001 draft suspension in Spain on educational attainment. (2024). Research in Economics, 78(3). Doi: 10.1016/j.rie.2024.100980. Retrieve from here. (With Agirdas, C., ABDC – B)
Female Influencers: The Economics behind the Millions. (2024). Journal for Economic Educators, 24(2). Retrieve from here or here. (With Geerling, W., & Mateer, D.)
What do we know from the Science of Learning, and How can we apply the knowledge in the classroom?. (2023). Teaching Business and Economics.
Effect of military service on fertility: Evidence from the 2001 draft suspension in Spain. (2023). Journal of Economic Studies. (2022 ABDC – B, 2023 Cabell’s acceptance rate: 11%)
Gender differences in the association between job characteristics, and work satisfaction and retention. (2023). American Journal of Business. (2023 Cabell’s acceptance rate: 12%)
Compulsory education and fertility: Evidence from Poland’s education reform in 1956. (2023). International Economics and Economic Policy. (With Farrington, S.; 2022 ABDC – B, Cabell’s acceptance rate: 18%)
Happiness, perceptions, and valuation differences across genders. (2022). Acta Psychologica. (With Farrington, S.; 2022 ABDC – A)
Do parents expect too much or is it all about grades? The discrepancy between parents’ aspirations and child’s academic performance, and parental satisfaction with the school. (2022). Cogent Economics and Finance, 10(1). Doi: 10.1080/23322039.2022.2079178. Retrieve from here. (ABDC – B)
The effect of child benefits on financial difficulties and spending habits: Evidence from Poland’s Family 500+ program. (2022). International Economics and Economic Policy. Doi: 10.1007/s10368-022-00534-9. Retrieve from here. (2021 ABDC – B, Cabell’s acceptance rate: 18%)
Job loss and food insecurity during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2022). Journal of Economic Studies. (2021 ABDC – B, Cabell’s acceptance rate: 24%)
The Effect of Covid-19 as an Economic Shock on the Gender and Ethnic Gap in Labor Market Outcomes. (2021). Studies in Microeconomics, 9(2). Doi: 10.1177/23210222211046411. Retrieve from here.
The Effect of Parental and Grandparental Supervision Time Investment on Children’s Early-Age Development. (2021). Research in Economics, 75(3), 286 – 304. Doi: 10.1016/j.rie.2021.06.006. Retrieve from here. (ABDC – B)
To Present or Not: Are Students Rational? (2021). Journal of Case Studies. (Case study, 2019 ABDC – B, Cabell’s acceptance rate: 20%)
More and None? Children and parental well-being: A bimodal outcome from an instrumental variable approach. (2021). Research in Economics, 75(3), 225 – 243. Doi: 10.1016/j.rie.2021.06.002. Retrieve from here (With Farrington, S., ABDC – B)
Education in the times of a pandemic: Parental socioeconomic characteristics and time spent with children. (2021). Journal of Economic Studies. Doi: 10.1108/JES-01-2021-0013. Retrieve from here. (2019 ABDC – B, Cabell’s acceptance rate: 24%)
Discipline, Risk, and the Effect of Financial Decision-Making on Health. (2021). Journal of Economics and Finance, 1 – 41. Doi: 10.1007/s12197-021-09542-y. Retrieve from here (With Farrington, S.; 2019 ABDC – B, Cabell’s acceptance rate: 20%)
Reasons to Attend College, Academic Success, and Post-College Plans. (2020). Education Economics, 28(5), 526 – 547. Doi: 10.1080/09645292.2020.1801597. Retrieve from here (2019 ABDC – B, Cabell’s acceptance rate: 27%, 2019 RG impact factor: 1.08)
Parents Labor Supply and Childhood Obesity: Evidence from Scotland. (2020). Economics and Human Biology, 38. Doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100897. Retrieve from here (2020 CiteScore: 2.46; Impact factor: 2.183; 2019 ABDC – A; 2019 cite score: 3.5, rank 14/144)
The Effect of Family Welfare Support on the Likelihood of Having another Child and Parents’ Labor Supply. (2019). Research in Economics, 73(3), 243 – 263. Doi: 10.1016/j.rie.2019.07.005. Retrieve from here (2018 SJR: 1.192, CiteScore: 0.81; SNIP: 0.714; 2019 CiteScore: 1.8)
The Effect of Maternity Leave Expansions on Fertility Intentions: Evidence from Switzerland. (2019). Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 40(3), 1 – 15. Doi: 10.1007/s10834-019-09609-3. Retrieve from here or here (With Barbos, A.; 2018 IP: 0.921)
The Effect of the Cost of Obstetric Care on Antenatal and Postnatal Healthcare Utilization: Evidence from Armenia. (2019). Research in Economics, 73(1), 72 – 84. Doi: 10.1016/j.rie.2019.01.006. Retrieve from here (With Farrington, S.; 2018 SJR: 1.192, CiteScore: 0.81; SNIP: 0.714)
The Effect of Birth Rate on Inflation and Growth: An IV Approach. (2018). Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 18(1), 67 – 82. Doi: 10.18374/jabe-18-1.6. Retrieve from here (Acceptance rate: 18%)
The Effect of Market Power on Labor Earnings in the Manufacturing Sector in the US. (2018). Journal of Strategic and International Studies, 8(1), 51 – 65.
The Relationship between Wage, Productivity and Unemployment in the Business and the Manufacturing Sectors in the US. (2016). Journal of Strategic and International Studies, 11(1), 18 – 28.
The Dutch Disease, Financial Development and Economic Growth in the Manufacturing Sector: A Comparative Analysis between Norway and the United Kingdom. (2015). Journal of International Finance and Economics, 15(1), 45 – 66. Doi: 10.18374/jife-15-1.5. Retrieve from here (With Erdinc, D.; Acceptance rate: 18%)
Experimental Platform for Measuring the Parameters of Magnetization of a Transformer in a Quasi-Static Transitional Regime. (2013). Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference – FMNS 2013, 2(1), 67 – 73. (With Milovanski, V. and Stoyanov, K.)
Special Features of the Construction of a Recording Module in Measuring Transformers, Working in a Quasi-Static Transient Regime. (2013). Proceedings of the International Conference on Technics, Technologies and Education ICTTE 2013, 1(1), 320 – 325. (With Georgieva, N. and Milovanski, V.)
Working papers:
“Does learning economics make you less susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy?” (With Mateer, D., Under review, 2024, Available here)
“From Startup to Success: Using Gen Z Entrepreneurs to Teach Economics” (With Mateer, D., Under review, 2024, Available here)
““Pop” Goes the National Debt” (With Mateer, D. & Geerling, W., Under review, 2025)
“Seeing it in a new light: Do cross-disciplinary comparisons make learning Economics and Finance concepts click?” (With Burton, J., LaForge, O., & Beal, L.; In progress)